b'LOAN APPLICATION CHECKLIST Real estate contract with legal description and deposit receipt. Check for appraisal and credit report, varies with lender.Name and complete address of last two years of residence.Name and complete address of last two years landlord or mortgage company. Explanation letter regarding any employment gaps over the last two years.Name and address of last two years employers with dates.Explanation letter of any credit deficiencies.Social Security Numbers of all borrowers.Current gross monthly income figures.Copy of paystubs covering a 30-day period and last two years W2s and or 1099s.If income is derived from other sources, two years tax returns, both business and personal with all schedules, signed.If self-employed, current profit and loss on income and expenses.If divorced, copy of complete recorded decree and settlement.Name, address, and account numbers of all places where assets are held (checking, savings, CDs, IRAs, etc.) 3 months of most current statements.List of stocks, securities with market valuecertified copies.Estimate of cash value of life insurance.Schedule of real estate owned, with value, lien, rental income, payments.Year, make, and model of vehicles.Estimate value of furniture and personal property.Name, address, numbers, balance and payments of installment loans If child support is being paid, proof of payments. If relocating, information regarding buy-out of house, payment of closing costs, etc. from company. If selling current house, copy of listing agreement or contract.Homeowners Insurance documentation. Additional Requirements for FHA/VA Loan Applications Copy of Drivers License and Social Security Cards Name and address of nearest living relative.Copy of DD214 and/or original Certificate of Eligibility (VA only). Child care expenses must be provided. srqpr.com 10 941-777-0424'