b'As your Buyers Agent, SRQ Premier Realty will1. Promote and protect your interests. 2. Sign an agency agreement saying we will represent you, the buyer. 3. Ask you to be loyal and not work with other REALTORS. 4. Locate and show available properties from any company, pointing out strengths and weaknesses to you while honoring your price limits. 5. Provide important information about neighborhoods, floor plans, and resale characteristics. 6. Council you about property values. 7. Keep your bargaining and financial position confidential. 8. Advise you on offers you may want to make on a property. 9. Assist you in arranging property inspections. 10. Submit offers to purchase promptly. 11. Respond honestly and accurately to questions. 12. Consult with you regarding counter-offers. 13. Negotiate only on your behalf. 14. Follow-up on necessary corrections and/or repairs. 15. Supply information for any services requested. 16. Provide guidance and support throughout the closing process. 17. Stay in touch with you regarding future market conditions that may affect your home value. 18. Appreciate any recommendations to family and friends! srqpr.com 16 941-777-0424'