b'The Best Pricing Strategy for Selling Your HomeSometimes, if a seller gets an offer right away, they worry that their home was not priced high enough. However, that likely means it was priced just right. While there are stories about sellers who turned down their first offer to wait and see if they got ahigher offer, and were rewarded with a better price later the majority of thetime, they will get less for their home than they hope for the longer they wait.SomehomeownersmakethecriticalmistakeofusingtheZillow Zestimate as a determining factor for price.Hereswhatwecantellyouasrealestateprofessionals.Itiscalleda Zestimate for a reason. Its an estimate and not one any bank would use. Zillow uses this as a marketing tool to attract people to their site, but it is a flawed algorithm and not one you should base your financial decisions on.The best strategy for getting the most return on your home and potentially an even higher final purchase price is to list it at, or just below, fair market value. Then you are negotiating UP instead of positioning yourself to have to negotiate down.Realtor.comsuggests,Aimtopriceyourpropertyatorjustslightlybelowthegoingrate.Todaysbuyersarehighlyinformed,soiftheysensetheyregettingadeal,theyrelikelytobidupapropertythatsslightlyunderpriced,especiallyinareaswithlowinventory.srqpr.com 17 941-777-0424'