b'CommonHomeImprovementstoConsiderTherearesomecommonfix-and-improveprojectsthatcanactasastarting point. Here are a few top suggestions for giving your home a fresh and updated look, without a huge amount of work or financial investment: Add a fresh coat of paint throughout the house (in neutral colors). Replacefoggedwindows(theresultofmoisturebuild-upbetweenthe panes). Repair any leaky faucets, showers, or jet tubs.Replaceorrepairanyrottingwoodontheexteriorofyourhomeand consider a fresh coat of paint to freshen up your homes exterior. Replace or repair any missing or damaged shingles. Buyers are wary of purchasing a home that will need roof repairs. Fix any wobbly handrails on decks and stairs. Ensure HVAC units are working properly. This is a big expense that will concern potential buyers if it needs replacing and could cost you a sale. Clearouttheclutter(i.e.:ditchthefridgemagnets,packuptheknick-knacks, and even remove extra furniture that adds bulk to a room). Packupthingsyoudontuseoften,andanythingextrathatyoudont need and place it in storage. Do everything you can do to create a blank canvas for buyers and add to your home feeling more spacious. Update kitchen appliances. Put valuables in safe keeping.srqpr.com 21 941-777-0424'