b'SRQ Premier Realty Has Done the HomeworkIntheUnitedStates,ittakesbetween60-180hoursofcourseworkbeforeyoucan even sit for the real estate exam. During that time, we learn principles which include property valuation, escrow procedures, financing, and taxes. We learn state and federal law which includes writing binding contracts and leases, titles, liens and encumbrances, unlawful discrimination. We then learn safe and fair practices for working with sellers and buyers that include communication skills, marketing, pricing, and a wide spectrum of necessary technology and tools needed to list and sell real estate in todays world.Standards MatterThere is a difference between just being a licensed agent and being a REALTOR. A Realtor is a real estate agent who is an active member of the National Association of Realtors, which was founded in 1908, and is one of the largest trade associations in the United States. To join this organization, agents have to have not just a valid license but impeccable conduct records and adhere to an extensive Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.For homeowners like you, that means hiring a SRQ Premier Realty REALTOR allows you more peace of mind knowing that your representative has been thoroughly vetted and has sworn an oath to those professional ethics and standards.Legal EaseAs you might imagine, managing contracts, addendums, contingencies, and caveats in a world that has become more litigious than ever is not for the faint of heart. Just as a CPA might help you successfully wade through ever-changing tax codes to confidently file a tax return, a real estate professional with SRQ Premier Realty helps home sellers expertlyandlegallynavigateprice,terms,conditions,andcontractswithalotmore peace of mind.srqpr.com 9 941-777-0424'