b'Technology for Selling VirtuallyReal estate agents have long been fast adapters to technology.Whether we are meeting a potential client using Zoom to discuss listing a home, creatingvirtualtourstoaidinshowingyourhometointerestedbuyers,or preparing all the paperwork and collecting all signatures digitally to complete the transaction, youcanbeassuredthatyourSRQPremierRealtyagentiswell-versed in all the latest tech that will help sell your home.Therealestateindustrywrotethebookonvirtualshowinginnovationand continues to set the standard and lead other industries in virtual technology.Here are just a few of the applications SRQ Premier Realty uses: Digital Lockbox 3-D Virtual Tours Virtual Staging Digital Signature and Contract Tools Digital Marketing Platformssrqpr.com 24 941-777-0424'