b'Is Now a Good Time to Sell?Todetermineifthisistherighttimetosell,speaktoyourrealestate professional at SRQ Premier Realty to find out which real estate market cycle your particular area is leaning towards.SRQ Premier Realty can provide you with local market statistics, trends, andacurrenthomepriceevaluation.Itsimportanttonoteherethat nationaltrendsdontalwaysmeanwereseeingthesameconditions locally. Every market is different, and ours is no exception to that rule!A question even bigger than market cycles is: What is YOUR motivation to sell or stay? While some conditions may certainly favor selling, we often coach clients to clearly identify what making a move will look and feel like for themselves and their families, as well as keeping an eye on what their return on investment will be.SRQ Premier Realty is able to help you fully lay out all of the information so that you have what you need to make the best possible decision for you and your family, both emotionally and financially.srqpr.com 6 941-777-0424'