b'OUR COMMITMENT TO YOUWhile the sale of your home may mark the end of the sales process, we hope itwillmarkthebeginningofanongoingrelationship.SRQPremierRealty makes a concerted effort to keep in touch with our clients and to continue to be a resource for your real estate and neighborhood needs.AsaclientofSRQPremierRealty,youcanlookforwardtoreceiving periodicupdatesonneighborhoodeventsandquarterlyrealestatemarket analysisreports.Ifyouneedreferralsforplumbers,electricians,andother serviceprofessionals,wearealwayshappytoprovideyouwithalistof trusted vendors. We are committed to being a trusted resource you can count on to help you expertly navigate any real estate question or need. Maintaining relationships is part of SRQ Premier Realtys commitment to provide a level of real estate service that surpasses what other brokerages provide. We want our clients to feel excited about sharing their positive experience with friends and associates.As a result, we are able to devote more of our time to helping clients and less looking for new ones. If you are happy with the service we provided you, it is our hope that you feel confident in recommending SRQ Premier Realty to those you know sowe can help them in their real estate needs too!Thank you for the privilege of working with you,SRQ Premier Realtysrqpr.com 38 941-777-0424'